My accountant is certainly the best person to manage a tax investigation – and it’s reassuring to know that I now have a service in place to cover the costs.
When you subscribe to our service we are able to make a claim against our insurance policy and help with Professional Fee Protection in respect of our fees incurred (up to £100,000 per claim unless otherwise indicated) when we defend a client who is subject to any of the following events:
A Full Enquiry; an Aspect Enquiry; PAYE/VAT Compliance Visit Cover; Pre-Dispute Cover; VAT Disputes; PAYE/NIC Disputes; IR35 Disputes; A Business Inspection Notice; Code of Practice 8 Investigations; Application for a Judicial Review; Partners/Directors Cover; Interventions Cover.
The Main Exclusions in our service are as follows:
The cost of making good any deficiencies in books, records, accounts or returns; Claims which originate from any matter which existed before the first period of insurance except where full disclosure has been made and the increase in risk has been accepted in writing; Minimum Wage, Student Loan, CIS and Tax Credit Enquiries; Returns which have been submitted more than 90 days late.
Client Legal Helpline: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Full details available on request.