Here to make your dreams a reality.
Our Private Client Accounting & Financial Advice services are designed to help you achieve your dream life, from financial planning to tax savings, we’ve got your back.

Understanding your tax liabilities is essential for meeting your tax obligations and being compliant. If you do need to complete a tax return, with the right advice, you could save a substantial sum of money.
Inheritance tax (IHT) could be extremely costly for your family and loved ones if you don’t plan for it carefully. As Chartered Tax Advisers, we are experienced in formulating plans to help minimise potential IHT liabilities
Whether it’s your first or second home or whether you are buying, letting or selling, good advice has never been so important, especially as HMRC are successfully targeting many landlords who have failed to declare their property income in previous years
Preserving your family’s wealth against the cost of elderly care can be complicated. At MJH, we can discuss your personal situation and explain the options available.
Deciding on when to retire can be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make. It’s essential that you plan for your retirement carefully.
It’s essential that your investment portfolio is regularly reviewed and that it is aligned to your long-term goals and aspirations.
We work with carefully chosen solicitors who can take care of your Will while we are reviewing your inheritance tax position.
You may wish to pass on wealth to loved ones whilst you are fit and well. It is therefore important to understand the potential tax implications of doing so, whilst utilising valuable gifting allowances.