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Accountancy for Trusts

MJH Accountants understand and appreciate the needs of trusts and their trustees. With us Trusts can expect to pay in the region of £25.00 + VAT per month for a trust tax return. Payment terms are in line with our standard terms and conditions of 30 days. Trusts looking to make a return on their investment with us, recommend family members, friends and colleagues and earn from £25.00 to £100.00 for each successful referral made!

MJH Accountants Limited for Trusts

What is a trust?

A trust is a legal arrangement where one or more ‘trustees’ are made legally responsible for holding assets. The assets – such as land, money, buildings, shares or even antiques – are placed in a trust for the benefit of one or more ‘beneficiaries’

The trustees are responsible for managing the trust and carrying out the wishes of the person who has put the assets into trust (the ‘settlor’). The settlor’s wishes for the trust are usually written in their will or set out in a legal document called ‘the trust deed.’

What is the purpose of a trust?

Trusts may be set up for a number of reasons, for example: to control and protect family assets; when someone is too young to handle their affairs; when someone can’t handle their affairs because they are incapacitated; to pass on money or property while you are still alive; to pass on money or assets when you die under the terms of your will – known as a ‘will trust;’ under the rules of inheritance that apply Trust money accountantwhen someone dies without leaving a valid will (England and Wales only).

There are several types of UK family trusts and each type of trust may be taxed differently. There are other types of ‘non-family’ trusts. These are set up for many reasons. For example, to operate as a charity, or to provide a means for employers to create a pension scheme for their staff.

At MJH Accountants we understand and appreciate the needs of trusts and their trustees. With us, Trusts could expect to pay in the region of £25.00 + VAT a month for a trust tax return. Payment terms are in line with our standard terms and conditions of 30 days.

Give Mark a call today on 01772 721704 for your tailored quote and to see what we can do for your Trust?
Want to know what our clients think of the service that we provide? View our client testimonials.

View the HMRC website to learn more about Trusts.

Book a No-obligation Discovery Call

Book a free discovery call to discuss your needs, we’ll discuss your business in detail and how we plan to make you more successful as well as provide a detailed proposal of our services. At MJH Accountants, we take the time to understand your goals and objectives and work with you to achieve these with our tailored approach.

Book a Free Discovery Call

Call us on:

01772 721704