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February 2017 Newsletter


“I don’t do resolutions, as I am a rebel without a cause.” Katherine Kelly.


Happy New Year! How are your resolutions going? Have you made any business resolutions or set any goals? Three simple steps that you can take for an easier and brighter 2017 are:

  • Keep your records up to date
  • Hand your information in on time
  • Ask questions

We are always here to help you in any way we can. We can help you stream-line your processes and improve your time-efficiency. This will free you up to do what you do best, run and build your business!

“If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.” Emma Goldman.


How can you revolutionise your business? What can YOU do to increase profitability? Three simple steps that you can take so that you can dance more to your own tune are:

  • Subscribe to Xero
  • Utilise DocuSign
  • Benefit from GoCardless

We use all of the above and can advise you on what best suits your business and how much this will cost. In real terms you will save time and money. This can then be invested in your growing business.

“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” James Cash Penney.

Business Communication Duplicate model

Who will you work with? What steps will you take to help your business grow? What’s worth you investing your energy, time and money in? Three simple strategies for success you can employ are:

  • Invest in a strong branding identity
  • Foster a strong social media presence
  • Go networking

In a competitive world you need to be visible! People need to know about you. It’s all about consistency and quality. You need to go out and connect with like-minded people if you want to grow.

“If you have a dream, you can spend a lifetime studying, planning and getting ready for it. What you should be doing is getting started.” Drew Houston.


Are you still procrastinating? What’s holding you back? Three simple steps to securing your financial and personal future happiness are:

  • Take advantage of free tax advice
  • Embrace the beauty of management accounts
  • Regularly review your pensions and investments

Dreams can become a reality – if you have the right strategies in place! We provide all these services and many more. Let us help you be exactly where you want to be – both now and in the future.

Book a No-obligation Call or Meeting

Book a call or meeting discuss your needs, we’ll discuss your business in detail and how we plan to make you more successful as well as provide a detailed proposal of our services. At MJH Accountants, we take the time to understand your goals and objectives and work with you to achieve these with our tailored approach.

Book a Call or Meeting

Call us on:

01772 721704